Collection: Sticky Notes

8 products
Displayed prices include custom print. Click any style to see all available colours, setups, and volume discounts.
Desk Cube [3-109943]
Desk Cube [3-109943]
$6.78ea+GST for 50 units
Bamboo Sticky Note Wallet [3-121728]
Bamboo Sticky Note Wallet [3-121728]
$2.90ea+GST for 100 units
Beta Note Wallet [3-113248]
Beta Note Wallet [3-113248]
$2.66ea+GST for 100 units
Cameo Pocket Pad [3-107077]
Cameo Pocket Pad [3-107077]
$1.37ea+GST for 250 units
Flag Pad [3-100901]
Flag Pad [3-100901]
$2.98ea+GST for 100 units
Hard Cover Notes and Flags [3-100926]
Hard Cover Notes and Flags [3-100926]
$3.94ea+GST for 100 units
Magic Flags [3-107076]
Magic Flags [3-107076]
$0.87ea+GST for 250 units
Mini Bamboo Sticky Note Set [11-T948]
Mini Bamboo Sticky Note Set [11-T948]
$2.81ea+GST for 150 units