Collection: Lead Pencils

6 products
Displayed prices include custom print. Click any style to see all available colours, setups, and volume discounts.
Carpenters Pencil [3-100467]
Carpenters Pencil [3-100467]
$1.03ea+GST for 250 units
HB Mini Pencil [3-100437]
HB Mini Pencil [3-100437]
$0.44ea+GST for 500 units
HB Pencil [3-100428]
HB Pencil [3-100428]
$0.56ea+GST for 500 units
Pencil Sharpener with Eraser [3-121802]
Pencil Sharpener with Eraser [3-121802]
$1.07ea+GST for 250 units
Eterna Graphite Pencil [11-FD189.ECO.06.FD]
Eterna Graphite Pencil [11-FD189.ECO.06.FD]
$4.62ea+GST for 2000 units
Matic Grip Pencil [11-G1604]
Matic Grip Pencil [11-G1604]
$2.96ea+GST for 500 units