Collection: Brushes

6 products
Displayed prices include custom print. Click any style to see all available colours, setups, and volume discounts.
Bamboo Hair Brush [3-120897]
Bamboo Hair Brush [3-120897]
$7.31ea+GST for 50 units
Bamboo Hair Comb [3-120898]
Bamboo Hair Comb [3-120898]
$2.07ea+GST for 250 units
Bamboo Toothbrush [3-116264]
Bamboo Toothbrush [3-116264]
$2.77ea+GST for 50 units
Compact Brush with Mirror [3-200210]
Compact Brush with Mirror [3-200210]
$1.70ea+GST for 250 units
Inti Travel Set [3-120669]
Inti Travel Set [3-120669]
$8.29ea+GST for 25 units
Wooden Body Brush [3-121408]
Wooden Body Brush [3-121408]
$6.40ea+GST for 50 units